Page name: Cutest nerdgirl submissions [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-11-13 00:37:19
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Cutest nerdgirl submissions


This contest is now closed. Thank you for entering so that we could see all of your cute, nerdy, little selves. ;)

Submissions for Cutest nerdgirl competition.

Put your image and a link to your house like this:
<img300:img/photo/87_1159390374.jpg> [Sunrose] Obi Sun Kenobi

(And that will look like:)
<img300*0:img/photo/87_1159390374.jpg> [Sunrose] Obi Sun Kenobi

Note: please write "img300:" if the image is wider than 300pixels (which it should be because you have or have borrowed a monster-camera with 9 MegaPixels...), otherwise this page will be too huge!


Your submissions:

<img300*0:stuff/starwarspwns.jpg>[RabidSphinx]- Star Wars PWNS!
This would be me at Best Buy, with my people: The Star Wars Nerds. I would have been in costume if in fact I had gotten the email that they would be there that day. I had just run into them by coincidence. I <3 StarWars, but if this is not Nerdy enough, I also <3 Pokemon, and X-men, and Harry Potter, etc. :) i also have a wiki called RD is a NERD

<img300*0:stuff/realmscon002.jpg> [Haruno Sakura]
This is my cosplay for Realmscon 2006. It was super fun, and there were alot of Naruto Cosplays. I love Anime, Video games, Fantasy, and Science Fiction. And I've recently started playing Magic: The Gathering.

<img300*0:img/photo/9078_1161328343.jpg>[Alexandra the Great]
Me just being me... What more do you want me to say? I sit at my computer and was fiddling with it.

<img0*250:> [Amaranthine]
Me with my lightsaber! Its so cool! It makes the actual sounds even when you hit stuff and the light actualy goes up an down when you turn it on like it was real! The only thing it doesn't do is cut through things .-_-. I love Star Wars. But I'm an even bigger anime nerd!

<img300*0:> [Steph-O-Melon]
you cant see the entire outfit very well so ill get other pics up soon! Im dressed up and hair dyed for spirit week, we have to go as a superhero and im going a Rogue!! wo0t! x-men is the shit above all shit!! ^^

<img300*0:img/photo/41349_1161529599.jpg> [Katerz]
OK! ill admit! i am a nerd! i actually broke those glasses then ran inot a wall! XD i try to be a cute nerd i dunno if its working tho!! lol

[Love like Winter.]- Dr. Who t-shirt!! (It was on sale in my favorite comic book store, 'forbidden planet'). I'm a total outcast: prefaring the internet, literature books and final fantasy to my friends :P I also like to draw a lot of fantasy based things (dragons ect). Eco geek for life and yay for band practice! Oh yeah, and Phyduck kicks butt.

[hytrjuhytjhgjg]- I'm pretty nerdy. This is my normal attire for work.Dinosaurs OWN. I was hanging out with He's a great dancer. really. Am I the only person who finds barnes and nobles the coolest place in the world? Doubt it. =D

<img300*0:img/photo/12299_1161314761.jpg> [amburTRON] yes, im 18 and i still love Power Rangers. the sad part is i didn't take this pic special for this contest. hah. im definitely a NERD!

Hehehe Nerd to the core XD!

Adam and I were playing Battleship and he cheated by trying to take a picture, I caught him ^_^ I am an uber nerd! I have an emulaor on my computer for every gaming system there is, and I have every game ever made for them, including Japanese games that weren't released in the US! I own a N64 and a Playstation, though I think I like N64 better! I used to have a Sega and NES back in the day, which I grew up on. I was a Tomb Raider nerd when it came out. I have beaten every one except Angel Of Darkness, simple becuase I think it sucks.

[Taking Back Jo]
Nerdgirl is what I've always done best!! I LOVE to read, I'm a English literature freak. My favourite drink is Tea, I'm a non party girl and my best friend is my kitty cat <3 Ps... GLASSES ROCK!! Oh and I have my sword Sting incase the Orcs invade in the night *shifty eyes* Check me out, my name is Nessa Elensar in Elvish! The Lord of the Rings Freak is now on the wiki :P I'm also a swot, teachers pet and i get good grades, i've never had lines or detention in my life.

Totally stole my dad's old glasses to take this pic. If that isn't nerdy, I don't know what is?! :P Yes, that's me. >.< I like books... strike that. I love books. Harry Potter is delisious =] I do wear glasses, but (me being a total NERD) lost them during schoolio. Mmm... 1337 is yumm3h. I <3 1337 50m371m35 anyway. :D

[Zombie girl] so like hi i'm Desiree also anko i'm a otaku freak and a narutard lets see i <3 nerdy boys and video games and i'm running out of things to should so pick me ^_^

[↓Miszez♥`] Hmmm lets see all i do is talk on the internet or write poems...if i aint doing that then i am calling my boyfriend and watching tons of movies like starwars or playing the games on ps2...woot

[JayJay.the teletubie] Well thats my friend and i just being cool eating our popsicles! o yes! summerly fun! haha i effin love that girl! and my glasses broke later that day.....hahaha XD

[Nevermore.] omg! i just read somthing naughty >< i'm a nerdy book worm...

[Twin Snakez] Uhhh... I live above a bookshop which we own. I'm obsessed with comic books, and I'm madly in love with Doctor Who and everything aboot the show. (I even collect the trading cards...) O.O

[EmmaExCore.] im not uber nerdy but i think that by making an idiot out of myself and eating crackers i am the new age nerd...not really but meh...i tried...and nerds dont always wear glasses ^_^

[GoodbyeElfpack2] Just for laughs! But anyway there you go! Cheers :]] I'm not a super nerd but i do my homework on time I am always worried if i don't do it or i forget to do it! I don't visit the library much but I love going to the music block to do my homework!!! :]]

[cole_slaw] I'm not gonna sit here and tell you how nerdy I am to win your little vote (because you should assume) =) I'll just ask you to read my profile and look at my pictures. On my profile or at Cole_Slaw!! Oh yeah...(1) Glasses don't make you nerdy. It means you can't see. (2) Adding things to pictures doesn't either. (3) Studying/reading doesn't make you a nerd. It means you care about getting somewhere in life.            Over and out!..

<img300*0:stuff/1269509033_l.jpg> [.x.muffin.x.] im a nerd! yay

<img300*0:img/photo/15658_1161126452.jpg> [BlackTearsCry] hehe i stole my boyfriends stuff ^.^ he makes me feel all.. nerdy inside.

<img300*0:img/photo/1057_1161727495.jpg> [tabbykitten] I'm a nerd... Yay me. =^.^= My poor beat up Monster Manual....

[Ellyn] Ginny Weasley incognito. Need I say more? : )

What can I say this is [~*~Manda~*~] on a regular nerdy but cute day. Hehe.

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2006-10-20 [isolated_comfort]: <img200*0:>
[isolated_comfort] *LICK*

2006-10-20 [RabidSphinx]: i submitted...yay for nerds!!!

2006-10-20 [Haruno Sakura]: Yatta! Yay us!

2006-10-20 [RabidSphinx]: woot! i wish i could add that i'm an anime nerd, but i'm really not. just pokemon for me...maybe some TriGun, CowBoyBeeBop,

2006-10-20 [Sunrose]: Hey!!! Why is my picture here? xD

2006-10-20 [doveties]: <a href="" target="_blank"><img:" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"></a>

2006-10-20 [Katerz]: someone must have entered you! lol

2006-10-20 [Hedda]: Ouch, this is going to get crowded...

2006-10-20 [Haruno Sakura]: Cowboy Bebop is the ultimate anime!

2006-10-20 [Asrun]: I'm more of a nerd than all of you. :P But I'm not entering

2006-10-20 [RabidSphinx]: wow, check out all the nerds. i need a better picture. :(

2006-10-20 [Haruno Sakura]: :P That's okay. As long as we don't have an all-out war on who's nerdier. That would be funny, but counter-productive.

2006-10-20 [RabidSphinx]: i'm so hard-core nerd. i had a bf once and his pet-name for me was "nerd"

2006-10-20 [Haruno Sakura]: Lol. My ex used to take me to gaming shows. It was his idea of a romantic date. Of course, I didn't disagree.

2006-10-20 [RabidSphinx]: i've never been on a date, but i'm sure if i went on one it woul dbe to a nerdy movie or something

2006-10-20 [Haruno Sakura]: aww...*huggles rainedrop* Never ever?

2006-10-20 [RabidSphinx]: never ever. but someday...hahahaah! yeah right. but i remain slightly hopeful. it's one of those things that, like, i sometimes wonder if i'll ever be kissed....the answer to that has a 99% likelyhood of being no....ahahaha...but at least i can laugh at myself. while everyone else does.

2006-10-20 [Haruno Sakura]: ;.; *huggle* >I< won't laugh.

2006-10-20 [RabidSphinx]: lol...laugh all you want. i learned to laugh at myself...i had to, otherwise i would just cry'm a nerd, nerds are laughed at. -_-

2006-10-20 [Haruno Sakura]: Yeesh, I know. Nerds are a stereotype that is really hard to shake. I like to read....ALOT. So, whenever I'd get to class early or something, I'd have a book out. I used to get teased about that really bad. But, it's cool. I don't care. Me and my nerdiness just went home and played video games. :D Yay for stress relieving RPGs!!!

2006-10-20 [RabidSphinx]: i read, write, draw/ socks never match...really, i'm a

2006-10-20 [Haruno Sakura]: Lol. I don't wear socks!!! Fortunately, I live in Texas, so it's only cold for about four months.... I haven't gotten frostbite yet...

Yah, I read Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time, Elizabeth Haydon's Rhapsody, David Eddings, I write fanfics..., watch anime, read manga, have a cd set on how to learn Japanese, read greek mythology, play RPGs, stategies, fighting, watch cult classic films, such as: Donnie Darko, Monty Python, The Labyrinth, The Princess Bride, and so on. One of my best friends is a game designer. I'm a theater major... I've got nerd in my marrow...

2006-10-20 [FireGypsy]: I LOVE The Labyrinth! I am currently teaching myself to contact juggle like you see Jareth do throughout the movie with those crystal balls. (Actually it really wasnt him, it was Michael Moschen with his hands under Bowie's watching on a monitor.) Gee, Im a nerd just for knowing that!

2006-10-20 [Hedda]: Gah! You can't read rules! Bad nerds! The images have to be uploaded to Elfpack!

2006-10-20 [Hedda]: I fixed the current images.

2006-10-20 [FireGypsy]: *pets [Hedda]*

2006-10-20 [Haruno Sakura]: :P Hedda's angry at us... David Bowie is my hero. I love his Ziggy Stardust and Thin White Duke CDs

2006-10-20 [FireGypsy]: I <3 David Bowie! He is the sexiest man!

2006-10-20 [Haruno Sakura]: Especially those extra special pants that I won't mention because there are minors present. >.< But you know what I'm talking about.

2006-10-20 [FireGypsy]: Oh yeah, those o_- Those are super sexy =D

2006-10-20 [Haruno Sakura]: ^///^  Yup. I've got most of his music. My favorite his "Under Pressure" duet with Queen. ^-^

2006-10-20 [Hedda]: I'm not angry. I just feel a little sorry about all the cute girls I have to spank ;)

*happily spanks [♥♥!.. Tiny Heart ..!♥♥]*

Upload to Elfpack! Otherwise this page will look like Swiss cheese in a few weeks.

2006-10-20 [Love like Winter.]: P.s.. I decided to upload the bigger version, so you could click on it... Just incase you were wondering what I was doing with the page :P

2006-10-20 [Haruno Sakura]: O_O *gasps at Hedda's frankness* You shouldn't spank a nerd! They might die of an apoplexy.

2006-10-20 [♥♥!.. Tiny Heart ..!♥♥]: lmao

2006-10-20 [RabidSphinx]: mine was uploaded to EP right? i thought it was... >_>

2006-10-20 [Xorital]: 0.0 heda spanks people

2006-10-20 [RabidSphinx]: i have a big bum for spanking

2006-10-20 [Amaranthine]: lol we learn something new everyday XD

2006-10-20 [kittykittykitty]: "My favourite drink is Tea" Is tea a nerdy drink? o.0"

2006-10-20 [RabidSphinx]: it sure is! >_> i drink chocolate milk :)

2006-10-20 [Taking Back Jo]: haha, TEA kicks ass!! :P

2006-10-20 [♥♥!.. Tiny Heart ..!♥♥]: ugh i hate tea!! lol

2006-10-20 [RabidSphinx]: i hate it too... gorss

2006-10-20 [Taking Back Jo]: why? lol

2006-10-20 [Love like Winter.]: I'm a hot chocolate kinda gal :P

2006-10-20 [FireGypsy]: I <3 Chocolate milk! Tis my favourite drink! *is drinking some right now* I like Ovaltine personally ^_^

2006-10-20 [RabidSphinx]: i hate ovaltine...i just drink low-fat chocolate milk. amd i hate tea because i hate how it tastes, i mean, i don't know how to explain it in any other way

2006-10-20 [♥♥!.. Tiny Heart ..!♥♥]: yea... tea tastes bad AND smells bad.. lol to me anyways.

2006-10-20 [FireGypsy]: I hate the pre-mixed milk to buy. I like Ovaltine because it is full of protein and nutrients. I have a poor poor POOR immune system, and anything with nutrients in it helps in any way. And it tastes good ^_^ I like green tea, and my friend's chinese tea he used to make for us. I miss Dave -_-

2006-10-20 [♥♥!.. Tiny Heart ..!♥♥]: i like cidar.

2006-10-20 [RabidSphinx]: i just hate how it tastes. it tases like makes me grumpy. i would rather just have a protien shake.

2006-10-20 [FireGypsy]: I like protein shakes hehe ^_^ They have this weird addicting metallic taste to them....and it makes me want more haha!

2006-10-20 [RabidSphinx]: i don't like them all that much, but i do <3 slimfast

2006-10-20 [FireGypsy]: Those shakes dont do anything, all they are is protein such as Ensure, which I like, that attempts to "replace" a meal. Does nothing really.

2006-10-20 [RabidSphinx]: they replace MY meals, and taste yummy.

2006-10-20 [FireGypsy]: I wish I had a buttload of candy right now. All the pretty candy colours and flavours. *dreams* I want the lego candies and the raspberries and lollipops and gummies and chocolates and jelly beans and 10 of everything else!

2006-10-20 [RabidSphinx]: i just love chocolate, but i had a pack of Tuna, and a can of Pear Juice, adding up to 190 cal. so i really couldn't hurt myself with any more calories, plus i'm stuffed.

2006-10-20 [Haruno Sakura]: I like tea. and candy. :P Yah, tea is kinda nerdy. Would health foods be nerdy? I like ginseng and lemon teas, especially when it's cold outside, like today.

2006-10-20 [Amaranthine]: I don't see how tea is nerdy. I've always pictured it as an old lady drink. So my grandma is nerdy then?

2006-10-20 [FireGypsy]: I HATE the smell of Tuna! I used to love Tuna as a kid, and I like the taste, but I cant stand the smell of it! I am a bit of a health food nut. I buy natural eggs and milk that come from farms and stuff. And I try to stay away from foods with HFCS and such.

2006-10-20 [FireGypsy]: Hehe it is in the 80's today!

2006-10-20 [♥♥!.. Tiny Heart ..!♥♥]: i don't think tea is all that nerdy. every1 is actually drinking it now all the time...... and all of my skater friends drink it.. they're not nerdy... lol

2006-10-20 [RabidSphinx]: i eat tuna and eggs, and chicken. all lean protiens for me.

2006-10-20 [Amaranthine]: I hear fish can help prevent alzheimers.

2006-10-20 [RabidSphinx]: i hear fish makes you live the Japs live forever on average because of all the fish they eat

2006-10-20 [Love like Winter.]: I don't eat fish.. It just tastes and smells horrible to me :S

2006-10-20 [FireGypsy]: I like fish, just not tuna.

2006-10-20 [Amaranthine]: I used to like it until I caught my own fish and my grandpa made me clean it. I could never eat it since then. Excpet tuna for some reason.

2006-10-20 [Love like Winter.]: I used to like tuna as a kid.. and mabey kippers but normally I hated fish and would cry if my parents tried to get me to eat it :S

2006-10-20 [RabidSphinx]: tuna is the only fish i WILL eat

2006-10-20 [FireGypsy]: I have cooked and eaten fish that I caught ^_^

2006-10-21 [♥♥!.. Tiny Heart ..!♥♥]: Hey.. im going to change my picture but how do i get the link to put on here.. like.. i uploaded it to elfpack so now how do i get the link??

2006-10-21 [FireGypsy]: Right click the picture on elfpack, and click properties, then use the location ^_^

2006-10-21 [♥♥!.. Tiny Heart ..!♥♥]: thanx. :)

2006-10-21 [RabidSphinx]: with every new picture i become more and more depressed...>_<

2006-10-21 [FireGypsy]: Why?

2006-10-21 [sk8erboi_178]: i vote for ♥♥!.. Tiny Heart ..!♥♥:
<3 Nic

2006-10-21 [RabidSphinx]: because they are getting prettier and prettier...*sighs*

2006-10-21 [zoloftzantac]: This wiki page rocks! *<3's nerdgirls*

2006-10-21 [FireGypsy]: But the nerdiest girl will win! And most of the pictures are just of, well, themselves! You have substance to yours. Aswell as the others with some sort of nerdy substance in their picture. A picture of just yourself saying "im a nerd" isnt going to win ^_^ And Why do people keep putting their pictures in the middle? Please, people, add your submission to the BOTTOM!!!!

2006-10-21 [RabidSphinx]: but it's also a "cute" competition.. :(

2006-10-21 [FireGypsy]: Yes, but it is the cutest "nerdgirl" not cutest "take a picture of yourself with one hand and smile with your everyday glasses on." So it doesnt matter if the prettiest girl takes an average picture of herself, because the cutest "nerdgirl" is going to win. Some good examples up there are [RabidSphinx] because she is a starwars nerd, [Haruno Sakura] because she is dressed up, [amburTRON] because she loves power rangers, [Amaranthine] because she is also a starwars nerd and has something to back it up, [Wendy] because, well, she is in a bin full of plushies!, And me, because I am a game nerd! All the others are just everyday pictures with comments like "I am a nerd" or "I love *insert nerdy thing here* with nothing to back it up. I think that they should change the rules to where you have to have something in the picture to backup their nerdiness, else by the time this competition is closed, they will have 10 "nerdgirl" pictures, and 50 "everyday" pictures.

2006-10-21 [FireGypsy]: And it is pretty sad, because guaranteed, if the competition continues like this, one of the "everyday" pictures is going to end up winning....

2006-10-21 [RabidSphinx]: i should take a picture of myself with my little Star Wars collection, trying to look cute.. :(

2006-10-21 [FireGypsy]: That would be good too ^_^ Anything with something "nerdy" in the picture is a good example. No more of these silly "everyday" pictures.

2006-10-21 [♥♥!.. Tiny Heart ..!♥♥]: uhm.. i took that picture JUST for this competition.. it is as nerdy as i can be so sorry if im not good enough for this contest but i tried.. and u can't really express personality through a picture anyways.... w/e... i think mine is nerdy so you'll just have to get over it.

2006-10-21 [FireGypsy]: Hey, Im not the one running this contest, and I dont think it looks nerdy, in fact, I would have never guessed that you took that just for this contest. Do you have any posters you could include behind you or dolls? Maybe some playing cards? ANYTHING nerdy? A picture of you making a shocked face is not nerdy in my book. Sorry but it is just my opinion.

2006-10-21 [♥♥!.. Tiny Heart ..!♥♥]: well its your opinion... and just b/c some of them aren't AS nerdy.. doesn't mean they don't fit the category.

2006-10-21 [RabidSphinx]: troll dolls roxorz my socks

2006-10-21 [FireGypsy]: Well let's analyze the word "nerd". A nerd is someone who obsesses with something. Likes stuff that the ordinary person wouldnt. Has strange interests. And has childlike hobbies. How on earth, by looking at a picture of you with your hand over your mouth, can we tell that you are nerdy? Its not the fact that it isnt AS nerdy, but the fact that I, nor anyone else, can tell that you are a nerd from that picture.

2006-10-21 [hytrjuhytjhgjg]: I'm going to have to agree with you Sasha.. Glasses don't make a nerd.

2006-10-21 [FireGypsy]: Troll dolls are an EXCELLENT example! Things that the ordinary person doesn't like! Star Wars is an obsessions! Anime is something the ordinary person doesnt take interest to, and so on ^_^ These pictures are supposed to represent these and all Nerdy behaviours!

2006-10-21 [RabidSphinx]: nerd - 1.a stupid, irritating, ineffectual, or unattractive person. n. 1. [mainstream slang] Pejorative applied to anyone
with an above-average IQ and few gifts at small talk and ordinary
social rituals. 2. Term of praise applied (in conscious
ironic reference to sense 1) to someone who knows what's really
important and interesting and doesn't care to be distracted by
trivial chatter and silly status games. Compare the two senses of
computer geek.

The word itself appears to derive from the lines "And then, just to
show them, I'll sail to Ka-Troo / And Bring Back an It-Kutch, a Preep
and a Proo, / A Nerkle, a Nerd, and a Seersucker, too!" in the
Dr. Seuss book "If I Ran the Zoo" (1950). (The spellings `nurd' and
`gnurd' also used to be current at MIT.) How it developed its
mainstream meaning is unclear, but sense 1 seems to have entered
mass culture in the early 1970s (there are reports that in the
mid-1960s it meant roughly "annoying misfit" without the connotation
of intelligence) intelligent but single-minded person obsessed with a nonsocial hobby or pursuit: a computer nerd.

2006-10-21 [FireGypsy]: [hytrjuhytjhgjg] you too have a good picture! In your picture I can tell that you are a nerd ^_^ I must have overlooked that one lol!

2006-10-21 [♥♥!.. Tiny Heart ..!♥♥]: well excuse me for not being a nerd. in the rules it didn't say you have to actually be a nerd.. it said u can be a normal person that looks nerdy. and I think that i look nerdy in that pic. and I don't care what you think. and don't say "I, nor anywone else" just speak for yourself. k thanx. no wait... lets not even talk about this anymore. just drop it. 

2006-10-21 [FireGypsy]: intelligent but single-minded person obsessed with a nonsocial hobby or pursuit: a computer nerd. Perfect definition! These pictures are supposed to represent this! SHOW your nerdside! Keyword here is SHOW!

2006-10-21 [hytrjuhytjhgjg]: Lol, I had that one up to begin with, then put an everyday picture, then put that one back up. >_> I dont like making choices. haha, I thought I represented my nerdiness most in that one though. =P

2006-10-21 [FireGypsy]: Well I'll let someone else speak then. Can anyone else tell that [♥♥!.. Tiny Heart ..!♥♥] is a nerd by looking at her picture? And I know, like I said, I am not running this contest. And you dont have to BE a nerd to pose in a picture with some nerdy posessions. Even a stuffed animal will do!

2006-10-21 [FireGypsy]: Haha I like it! Its funny and nerdy at the same time! Where were you when that was taken lol?

2006-10-21 [hytrjuhytjhgjg]: I'm sorry, but it does look like another everyday emo shot [♥♥!.. Tiny Heart ..!♥♥].

2006-10-21 [Weirdo.Phreak.]: lol Tawnee,[♥♥!.. Tiny Heart ..!♥♥], you don't totally look nerdy, but it's pretty cute :D Close enough, hun.

2006-10-21 [♥♥!.. Tiny Heart ..!♥♥]: okay look. why are you trying to start stuff?? why are you trying to make other people hate me?? i don't care if u have a problem with my pic but stop trying to bring other people in this?? gawd.. be mature about it.. its just a contest.

2006-10-21 [♥♥!.. Tiny Heart ..!♥♥]: Thanx Jackie...

2006-10-21 [hytrjuhytjhgjg]: lol, target.

2006-10-21 [FireGypsy]: Exactly, its cute ^_^ not cute and NERDY! I want to see some nerds! I <3 Nerds!

2006-10-21 [RabidSphinx]: yeah, she is not nerdy. there, i said it.

2006-10-21 [FireGypsy]: [♥♥!.. Tiny Heart ..!♥♥] I wasnt starting anything. And I am not trying to make anyone hate you. I just made a comment on how we should have Nerdy pictures, rather than everyday pictures. You are the one who assumed I was even talking about your picture. And YOU are the one who told me to speak for myself lol, so I asked someone elses opinion. No need to get upset. Just take a nerdy picture, that's all.

2006-10-21 [♥♥!.. Tiny Heart ..!♥♥]: ugh.. idc. w/e.. get over it people.

2006-10-21 [Weirdo.Phreak.]: Hehe anytime Tawnee :D

If she says that her pic is nerdy, then gosh darn it, it's as nerdy as she wants it to be! >.<

2006-10-21 [FireGypsy]: Maybe if she edits the picture and adds the word "nerd" onto it..

2006-10-21 [hytrjuhytjhgjg]: It wasn't an arguement, Sasha was stating her opinion.

2006-10-21 [RabidSphinx]: there could be an "emo" comp. started...

2006-10-21 [♥♥!.. Tiny Heart ..!♥♥]: just drop it... its not like its your picture so why are you worrying about it.

2006-10-21 [Weirdo.Phreak.]: Hm... That's a good idea... But why bother when it's just a contest on how nerdy a non-nerdy or a nerdy person could actually look? eep I just confused myself >.<

2006-10-21 [♥♥!.. Tiny Heart ..!♥♥]: and its not emo.. how is it emo?? cuz its from up high?? oo big deal.. that doesn't make something emo.

2006-10-21 [hytrjuhytjhgjg]: If you want the subject dropped, stop coming back and commenting. It was you who got butthurt, darling.

2006-10-21 [RabidSphinx]: this is for "nerds" so damn it, where are the girls dressed up like people from Harry Potter! >_<

2006-10-21 [Weirdo.Phreak.]: [♥♥!.. Tiny Heart ..!♥♥]'s pic is not emo! holy crap, how is it emo?

2006-10-21 [RabidSphinx]: the hair in the face, the glasses, the expression, and yes, the angle, all make it look emo

2006-10-21 [hytrjuhytjhgjg]: Emo pose, again, my opinion. If you want the subject dropped, why continue on about it? Looks like you kids are the ones trying to start something that isn't going to start.

2006-10-21 [♥♥!.. Tiny Heart ..!♥♥]: because i say drop it and no1 does so i defend myself!

2006-10-21 [RabidSphinx]: DROP IT!

now where are the Harry Potter nerds!

2006-10-21 [hytrjuhytjhgjg]: Thank you [RabidSphinx] :]

2006-10-21 [Weirdo.Phreak.]: Ugh. I'll drop it. >.< Such a stupid argument over a picture >.<

2006-10-21 [♥♥!.. Tiny Heart ..!♥♥]: fyi.. my hair isn't in my face. my glasses are not emo. and my expression is not sad or anything like that. gawd u don't even know what emo is do you??

2006-10-21 [FireGypsy]: But you have no authority to drop anything, since you are being a hypocrite about it and continuing on about it, even after I have stopped. Seriously, your picture isnt nerdy, get over it...

2006-10-21 [RabidSphinx]: what part of "DROP IT!" is difficult to understand?

maybe i'll take a picture in my HP uniform

2006-10-21 [hytrjuhytjhgjg]: And thank you [FireGypsy] :P Harry potter. Thats one of my favorites.

2006-10-21 [♥♥!.. Tiny Heart ..!♥♥]: were not even talking about my pic being nerdy anymore.. why would u bring that up again.. i think YOU need to get over it.

2006-10-21 [Weirdo.Phreak.]: Ugh >.< drop it please?

I agree with [RabidSphinx] on one thing. Where are the Harry Potter nerds!?!? That's what I wanna see :D

2006-10-21 [RabidSphinx]: maybe i'll be the HP nerd

2006-10-21 [FireGypsy]: No prob, All I did was state my opinion, and yet again people jump in and have to argue about it. Gah!

2006-10-21 [Weirdo.Phreak.]: *gasp!* I shall take a nerdy pic of me with my dad's huge glasses on >.< lmao...

2006-10-21 [FireGypsy]: [♥♥!.. Tiny Heart ..!♥♥] will you just shut it! And I <3 Harry Potter too! My little sister is obsessed! She used to dress up like Harry Potter! Glasses and all!

2006-10-21 [Weirdo.Phreak.]: Golly... You're so mean to [♥♥!.. Tiny Heart ..!♥♥]... >.<

2006-10-21 [FireGypsy]: I mean, my sister has Harry's wand! She has the time-thingy-forget-what-its-called! She has EVERYTHING! She even talks and acts like him! My sister should enter this contest haha!

2006-10-21 [♥♥!.. Tiny Heart ..!♥♥]: i did...

2006-10-21 [hytrjuhytjhgjg]: She's not being mean, she has a point.

2006-10-21 [FireGypsy]: I am not trying to be mean, but she is dragging it out, and then trying to blame others... Its called ignorance, and I cant stand such.

2006-10-21 [Weirdo.Phreak.]: I want a wand! maaaan I need to freaking buy that stuff! >.<

2006-10-21 [RabidSphinx]: SHUT UP!

i <3 Draco Malfoy

2006-10-21 [hytrjuhytjhgjg]: This is what I like to avoid in most situations with other females. Drama ;)

2006-10-21 [♥♥!.. Tiny Heart ..!♥♥]: omfg just leave me alone! i stopped!!

2006-10-21 [hytrjuhytjhgjg]: Ohh I like herm--.. I'm not even going to attempt to spell that.

2006-10-21 [RabidSphinx]: my name on AIM is RaineMalfoy because i want to marry that fictonal boy

2006-10-21 [hytrjuhytjhgjg]: hehe, the kid who plays his character is kinda cute too.

2006-10-21 [Weirdo.Phreak.]: Hermione is how it's spelled :D I love her... she's my idol... so smart >.<

2006-10-21 [FireGypsy]: KINDA? He IS cute lol!

2006-10-21 [hytrjuhytjhgjg]: there we go. ;P haha, and well you know what i mean. >.>

2006-10-21 [FireGypsy]: I think that Harry and Hermione will end up together haha!

2006-10-21 [Weirdo.Phreak.]: Oh my god, I am in love with Draco Malfoy. The one in the book, not in the movie :D

2006-10-21 [RabidSphinx]: i vote Draco and Ginny!

2006-10-21 [Weirdo.Phreak.]: Here here to what [RabidSphinx] said! that's the best couple!

2006-10-21 [RabidSphinx]: W00T!

2006-10-21 [FireGypsy]: I cant wait to see Saw III ^_^

2006-10-21 [RabidSphinx]: there to be another? sweet

2006-10-21 [FireGypsy]: I love those movies! And yes, it comes out the 27th of this month!!!

2006-10-21 [Weirdo.Phreak.]: I haven't seen ANY of the Saw movies... too gruesom or however it's spelled >.<

2006-10-21 [RabidSphinx]: wow...i'm dumb. i missed the Grudge 2 on friday the 13th because of the snowstorm that knocked out all the power in Buffalo

2006-10-21 [FireGypsy]: Too gruesome? I love the moral of those movies. A commercial for it was JUST on too!

2006-10-21 [RabidSphinx]: i have not watched tv in over a week. no power or no cable all week

2006-10-21 [Weirdo.Phreak.]: eep. I'm not much for blood or stuff like that...

2006-10-21 [RabidSphinx]: i live for it. can't wait to grow up to be a serial killer

2006-10-21 [Weirdo.Phreak.]: eep.

2006-10-21 [FireGypsy]: I love horror movies!

2006-10-21 [RabidSphinx]: yus. i love them too

2006-10-21 [RabidSphinx]: pokemon roxorz

2006-10-21 [FireGypsy]: Hehe!

2006-10-21 [Haruno Sakura]: I wanna grow up to be a homocidial maniac

2006-10-21 [Amaranthine]: ......why?

2006-10-21 [Haruno Sakura]: No special costumes. They look just like everybody else.

2006-10-21 [Amaranthine]: lol oh ok.

2006-10-21 [RabidSphinx]: ijust bought the Adams Family on DVD

2006-10-21 [Amaranthine]: I love the Adams Family! Which one the original?

2006-10-21 [RabidSphinx]: the first two movies. they came together on one disk.

2006-10-21 [Amaranthine]: Thats cool. I only have the original. But the family reunion one is funny.

2006-10-21 [RabidSphinx]: Gomez - "he has my father's eyes..."
Morticia - "Fester, take those out of his mouth"

2006-10-21 [FireGypsy]: Haha!

2006-10-21 [Weirdo.Phreak.]: I missed something. O.o

2006-10-21 [Haruno Sakura]: lol. I liked the original. Did you know that the original Gomez from the series is Sean Astin's Father? Sean Astin being the guy who played Sam in the Lord of the Rings.

2006-10-21 [Weirdo.Phreak.]: O.o

2006-10-21 [Haruno Sakura]: Yet another useless fact brought to you via nerd channel, for all your nerdy needs. :D

2006-10-21 [Amaranthine]: lol its ok I didn't know that. Pretty interesting.

2006-10-21 [Wendy]: Everyone has such cute pictures up! *giggles*

2006-10-21 [Hedda]: Sometimes the ads are very well targeted:


2006-10-21 [FireGypsy]: Nice ^_^

2006-10-21 [Wendy]: That IS a nice ad! *applauds [Amaranthine] and [Hedda] for their collaborative work*

2006-10-21 [Steph-O-Melon]: *pouts* i missed star trek today... lol

2006-10-22 [RabidSphinx]: mine almost always has Harry Potter adds... >_>

2006-10-22 [Ringbearer]: Maybe the Obi Sun Kenobi added to it too... Star Wars overdose...

2006-10-22 [Twin Snakez]: Whee, entry. =3

2006-10-22 [Sunrose]: [EmmaExCore.], [Twin Snakez] , [JayJay.the teletubie]: Your images are not uploaded to Elfpack. This is against the rules of the contest and they have therefore been removed.
Please upload them to Elfpack and resubmit them :)

2006-10-22 [Katerz]: i changed it! *crosses fingers* i hope i hope i hope!

2006-10-22 [Steph-O-Melon]: lol

2006-10-22 [Hedda]: [Sunrose]: I downloaded the images to Elfpack and resubmitted them.

Now I'm waiting for [EmmaExCore.], [Twin Snakez] , [JayJay.the teletubie] to show their butts so I can spank them for not following the rules... ;)~

2006-10-22 [Weirdo.Phreak.]: O.o

2006-10-22 [Steph-O-Melon]: lol XD haha that'd be something to see XD

2006-10-22 [Katerz]: NAUGHTY!

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